Friday, June 10, 2005

Why I Survive AIDS

By: Niro Markoff Asistent with Paul Duffy
The groundbreaking work that reveals the truth about how Niro Markoff Asistent was healed of HIV with ARC is now posted on line to read for free and as an ebook.

Dr. Bernie Siegel was a cancer surgeon for over 20 years at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He is the author of LOVE, MEDICINE AND MIRACLES and PEACE. LOVE AND HEALING. He wrote “Niro Asistent has been one of my most powerful teachers. Her book can show all of us how to overcome adversity and survive any of life’s threats. I highly recommend it.” Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (The Wheel of Life) wrote in her foreward: “Niro’s story about her discovery of the AIDS disease as well as her struggle with it-step-by-step-is a light in the darkness for millions.” Hay House’s founder, Louise Hay, author of YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE wrote “Niro Asistent is involved in some of the powerful healing work being done with AIDS. She is a beautiful woman whom I admire enormously.”

In 1985, therapist Niro Asistent tested HIV positive and was moving into ARC (Aids Related Complex). Facing what many saw as a death sentence at the time, Niro created her own program of emotional therapy, daily meditation, healthy diet and exercise. Niro’s program includes facing and healing fear, shame and guilt; powerful daily meditations, productive journaling, reprioritizing your life, and listening to your inner healer who will tell you what you need to do to allow healing to flow through you…yes you. Since 1986, she has tested HIV negative. She was featured in Parade Magazine and appeared on Donohue on 7/13/93.

On December 18, 1992 my friend Esteban Granados and I met Niro for the first time. By then, she had been testing HIV negative for six years. We were on a mission. Mother Clara Hale of Harlem’s Hale House had told us ‘AIDS is a prayer answer by God, who answers all prayers.’ She added that by the time we pray for something, God already has it handled. So when we learned that there was someone who had healed herself of HIV, we put on our detective caps and found her. She was doing a seminar at FRIENDS IN DEED in New York City. Niro proved Mother Hale was right. “God is the true healer.”

Why I Survive AIDS web pages include the original book, with links to additional supporting material on the web. It contains the full text from the 1991 edition.

Niro tells the story and the lessons from her journey including the moment she got the confirmation that she had revered to HIV negative.

"My heart exploded in joy! I knew it. My body had transcended the disease. I believe it was because I had learned the lesson of my disease, living from my true essence one moment at a time; therefore the teacher – the disease – could go away."

Niro explains “TO BE A HEALER really means not to do anything. The less you use your mind and all its beliefs, the more healing is able to move through you. God is the true healer. Healing is being whole with God…Within each and every one of us, there is a healer. It is the intuitive part of us that guides us on our healing journey. It is an intrinsic yet much forgotten aspect of ourselves. In fact, it has been so neglected that it is considered highly mystical and esoteric by the logical thinking of Western cultures.”

Niro shows in detail the techniques she used to help her body heal. For example, a meditation she worked with is called the Nadabrahma.

"Nadabrahma is based on an old Tibetan technique of humming through the nose, and it seems that the humming vibration has a twofold effect. First, it helps to focus your energy inwardly, and to stimulate your pineal gland – or open your ‘third eye,” as it is referred to by mystics. The third eye is located in the center of your inner vision to receive intuitive guidance from your higher power. Second, as I was later to discover, the humming technique massages the pituitary and thymus glands. The thymus gland monitors the production of T-cells and the pituitary gland monitors the elimination of toxins. Both glands are very important for the proper functioning of the immune system.
Sometime after my healing, I met two researchers who were studying the effects of massage on the pituitary and thymus glands. When I told them about the humming section of the Nadabrahma, they suggested that the sound vibration performs an inner massage on those vital glands. I now teach this meditation to all who participate in my workshops and private sessions."

Too many people are dying waiting for a "cure" for us to pretend not to know that we should all do what we can, and then some.

The NIH reports: "As of the end of 2003, an estimated 37.8 million people worldwide - 35.7 million adults and 2.1 million children younger than 15 years - were living with HIV/AIDS. Approximately two-thirds of these people (25.0 million) live in Sub-Saharan Africa; another 20 percent (7.4 million) live in Asia and the Pacific." I watched my foster sister, Robin Lawson, continue to improve as long as she stayed on Niro's program.

Niro’s program is at worst extremely low cost, like the cost of what THE HEALER WITHIN advises (i.e. a clean diet). She’s not selling pills or quick fixes. Just showing us how to look inward for the solutions to AIDS and other dis-eases.

Using e-book technology and the web, people can once again learn how to use Niro's techniques for connecting with your Healer Within.

If you're ready to hook up with your inner healer, this is a work for your must read list. It is the next step in upgrading the human experience through constructive thought and connecting with the Healer Within.

WHY I SURVIVE AIDS is currently out of print in America. has some of the paperback editions of Why I Survive AIDS.

Please share the work WHY I SURVIVE AIDS
By: Niro Markoff Asistent with Paul Duffy


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