During the slavery era in America, it would have been illegal for me to even learn how to read. I would have read anyway. I love traditional books. That love has been expanded to include e-books. I love them so much I've become an e-book publisher. My dynamic thought e-book site includes BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR PLACE IN WORLD HISTORY by Dr. Leroy Vaugh; DEPALMA, FREE ENERGY AND THE N-MACHINE by American Inventor Bruce DePalma; and the almost forgotten but soluton filled WHY I SURVIVE AIDS by Niro Markoff Asistent with Paul Duffy. Some of the advantages of an e-book over a traditional book are:
1. Easy to store. Living space is sold or rented per foot. I’m over 50 and on more than one occasion I’ve had to have a room for my books. Not cost effective any more. When we buy books made from wood pulp, we are storing our words on our source of air. Maybe it's best to save some trees. We might need them to breathe.
2. Easy to navigate. A search can take you to any section quickly in an e-book. A favorite part can be found and highlighted for future reference. For vision comfort, text size can be adjusted.
3. Extends the life of the work. I have lost books from the 60's and 70's that have just faded with time. With an e-book in .html, everyone with a web browser can read it. If I have my e-book in a .doc file and I can add my notes as I read.
4. Makes research easier. With e-books that can be read on PC's, cut, copy and paste have new power. Sharing the files with others can help in the many book clubs around the world. For students, it can speed up paper prep time. It also makes it easier for teachers to check for plagiarism with the EDIT-FIND feature.
5. Greater contact access - Linking ability to sources beyond the page, including at least an e-mail to the author. Questions can be e-mailed. The publisher’s customer list for their next book automatically built. Also, for folks who can barely read, Microsoft Reader and Adobe offer free readers that will read the book and picture explanations to you.
6. Interactive advertising medium. Many e-book will make their money not as books for sale, but as advertising mediums for other products, which increases the potential for folks to get their reading material for free. For example if the text reads “She filled her mouth with 1993 Dom Perignon Champagne and bent over to take his.......,” the book can show a person where to find the beverage on line and have it delivered. If the link is to an affiliate, commissions can be earned.
7. Creates buzz about the work and/or the author. Authors and/or Publishers can run linkable 24/7 chat rooms on the books for a year or more from the publishing date. Imagine the level of enthusiasm for a book that a comes from a conversation that happens between a group of late night readers. Or a message board that reconnects old reading buddies.
8. Ergonomically correct for students. Our children have a lot of homework today, some carrying books on their backs that are hurting them. With e-books, we can help save our children’s posture.
9. Makes more material available. Everybody has a story to tell. Many great authors who self publish can find an audience for their work without first getting main stream publishing approval. With e-books, everyone can be published and grow from there.
10. Lowers the cost of all books. Because of the low production and distribution costs, people can get great discounts on major works and low or free rates on others.
Finally, I believe that the greatest contribution that the e-book evolution offers us is the motivation it provides to help folks learn to read or improve their reading skills. The same screen that displays a book that they are interested in, can teach folks how to read it. Imagine. We are overcoming now.
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