Thursday, April 28, 2005

Free Energy

I’m J. Nayer Hardin of the Computer Underground Railroad, publisher of the e-book DePalma, Free Energy and the N-Machine. I’ve been typing since the 60’s, on computers since 1977, home computer since 1984, am a patent holding inventor, CompUrest, an environmentalist and a cyber advocate.

While researching low to no cost energy alternatives as a result of learning about “peak oil” from Matt Savinar’s Life After The Crash site, I was introduced by David Crockett Williams to the work of one of his mentor friends, Bruce DePalma. David’s extensive work, plus the website left by Bruce DePalma, are the inspiration and source of this powerful e-book. DePalma explains how, with magnets channeling the force, we can use the free energy existing in the space in which matter resides to run machines and many other evolutionary concepts - “Truth has a ring to it which is unmistakable to those in search of it.” (Fundamental Discoveries of the New Physics and Mathematics and their Relationship to the UFO Flying Saucer Observations and Encounters.)

When I understood what David was teaching me, I ran onto the information super highway, to and found there were no books by or about DePalma. The closest I could find was spoken of in a paper by DePalma (A Review of the Homopolar Handbook by Thomas Valone), which he says “Comments about a first rate, world class, scientific invention often reveal much more about the critics than they do about the invention. In the argot of contemporary language Thomas Valone could be summed up as a science groupie wherein the admonition, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" finds realization.”

Free energy is a subject that has sparked my imagination for awhile. Back in 1985, I shared a computer renaissance center with some dear friends and family on West 55th Street in Manhattan. While there, a man brought a script about the life of Nicholas Tesla. In that script there was a scene where Tesla and Edison were arguing. Edison wanted to charge monthly for delivered electricity. Tesla asked why would one charge for electricity when it’s all around us, demonstrated by the many static shocks we all receive from time to time. With the right equipment, Tesla said, energy can be pulled from the air. Like many great scripts in the 80’s and 90’s, it didn’t get made, but the story stuck with me. Pull the energy from air? Could it be done cleanly? Safely? Free?

“The availability of free energy from as simple an experiment as colliding a rotating object with a non-rotating one opens up the development of other machines for energy extraction and propulsion...” (Gravity and the Spinning Ball Experiment) The extra, free energy is “achieved by the balancing of equal and opposing similarly derived forces.” (The Secret of the Force Machine), Bruce DePalma’s N-Machine uses spinning rare earth magnets and brushes to create electricity to run cars, homes, etc. The N-Machine with a Faraday Motor is a way to pull that extra free energy. Nick Tesla said it could be done. DePalma did it. So have others. The U.S. government financed the, Super Collider yet would not let DePalma use his machine to power his home. He was self published, and a maverick in traditional physics. He died before a publisher could pick up his work. This e-book is an attempt to help the late Bruce DePalma make his case by presenting some of his papers, a lifetime’s work. Minimal editing has been done to this material, no more than a secretary whose boss died before she got this phase of the work. DePalma asked for help getting the word out.

This e-book is a response to his request.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

How To Compute

In Harlem in the late 1990's there was a grass roots computer training going on right under the nose of her poverty pimps. Of course when they learned of the distraction, they closed it down. By that time more than 3,000 folks got a chance to learn HOW TO COMPUTE.

Some folks were empowered to get a new job, go back to school or start a business as a result of their computer skills. One young father spoke of being able to communicate better with his 6 year old daughter as they talked in front of the computer screen. There, it was easier to learn what was on her mind and what interested her.

The latest edition is almost ready as an e-book. The training notes for the update are posted. Included in the final package is a how to set up a free computer training center in any area.

HOW TO COMPUTE offers basic computer training to folks who don't know much about computers. Just the basics, computer parts, windows, word, how to get on the web, etc.

Look for the formal release in June, 2005.